TALK: "Learning IxD through physical experiences" at Education Summit, New York 🍃
I shared my experience of teaching interaction design at the Education Summit, 2017. The talk was based on a studio exercise that I facilitated for students of Masters in Industrial Design at the School of Planning & Architecture, Delhi.
While interaction design was about buttons & flowcharts a few years back, it is now about conversations & gestures. And tomorrow it might be about scripting artificial lives. So how does design learning counteract such ephemerality? Can the permanence of real world experiences be an answer? I tried answering that through an experiment.
Using real life interactions with furniture in public spaces as a medium, my students in the Masters of Product Design program at SPA in Delhi were introduced to concepts of affordance, user engagement, contextual innovation & social consciousness. Each pair of students was assigned an iconic public space of Delhi, and by using recycled materials they designed seating experiences as a response to the context of that area.
These design journeys students ended with interesting social experiments.
deck from the talk (slideshow)